Using IFC Exporter plugin
IFC Exporter > Using IFC Exporter plugin

After successful installation the program adds IFC Exporter command into the IFC Export ribbon tab




IFC Exporter command opens the user interface that is used for exporting Plant3D models to the IFC2X3 or IFC4 format  

With IFC Exporter you can export any Plant3D file (or part of the large file) to the IFC2x3 or IFC4 format. If the source file is big, it is better to export it in several goes. This is because of exported IFC files are ASCII files and they may become otherwise big to handle.

Plant3D objects are mapped to corresponding IFC objects and all properties of the objects can be optionally included in to the IFC file.

Third Party Licences

 IFC Exporter is using xBIM Toolkit libraries. xBIM libraries are made available under the CDDL Open Source license.


Export Active Document



Easiest way to export Plant3D model is to select Schema version and Export Active Document option. You can also select optionally wheather or not export properties as well with the Export Properties check box.

 After that press first Gather Elements button to gather information from the model. When finished please enter filename for the IFC file and press Create IFC button. The plugin will create IFC file.


Export Selected Objects



Other way is to select objects to export. You can select them from the Teeview control at the first tab. To refresh the Treeview, please double mouse click the Refresh button. After you have selected desired objects, please go back to Export tab and select Export Selected Objects option 


Export Referenced Documents

With Export referenced Documents option you can export the active document and all referenced documents in one go




You can change model origin and rotation around Z-axis at the dialog that opens by mouse clicking the Transform button.



Project settings

There are some extra settings that you can include into the IFC file. Please set Project name, Organisation, Site name and Building name at the Settings tab and save them with Save Settings button.

Other settings 


Insulation Option to export piping insulation elements if any
Max No. Faces per Entity Maximun number of faces that is created for each IFC elements
Trimmed Profiles Support for trimmed profiles
Solibri toruses Support for toruses that are not displayed in Solibri (default false)
Revit IFC

Support for Revit compatible IFC (default false)



Log and License

You can see log of exporting process at the Log and License tab with Open Logfile button